ZestyBeanDog’s Fridge Snap Shot


We gotta install ovens
Custom kitchen deliveries
We gotta move these refrigerators
We gotta move these color TV’s… (when I started writing this post for some reason I got this song stuck in my head)… Ha!

I was inspired by Tandy over at Lavender and Lime a while back to do a fridge post and I never did it… So when she posted her latest I decided I finally do one 🙂  Here’s a few snap shots of our kitchen fridges and more. 🙂

We have 2 fridges, one for food and one for beer (and food run off). I also like to buy spices in bulk so I have a huge spice drawer (not pictured) and then I put them into the small containers that are labeled.

Happy cooking and blogging everyone! 🙂

About zestybeandog

I live in Austin with my wonderful husband, dog Ginger, and cat Skiddy. We are a pretty laid back group (except for Ginger). When I'm not teaching yoga, personal training, or dog walking... I'm in the kitchen. I'm always experimenting with new ingredients and thinking of ways to prepare fresh foods in a unique way. I hope to update the blog 4-5 times a week. I've had several friends, family, and clients inquire about my recipes so here it goes. What to expect: Healthy recipes that are good for you, some classics (that have been spruced up), some not so healthy recipes (still made with quality ingredients that can be enjoyed in moderation), and beer and wine parings/reviews! I hope you enjoy, cheers!

25 responses »

  1. I am so glad I am a painter and will not therefore need to photograph our fridge. Also, the light does not work any longer so it is pretty dark in there — I’ve been encouraging Mom to use a headlamp.

  2. Wow, this is so much fun to get a real look into your fridge. There are some things we don’t get here – like Yuzu juice. I also have a ‘beer’ fridge so maybe this month I should take a photo of that one 🙂

  3. What a happy full fridge! We also used to have a separate fridge for drinks but while we were living Mauritius, it seems our housekeeper inherited the one – a royal pain only having one fridge!
    🙂 Mandy

  4. I love the site of a full happy fridge. That means there will be some full happy bellies. I always attempt to keep food in the house but sometimes my teenagers eater before i even have a chance to get it put away.

  5. What is it about us that makes it really interesting to peer into someone else’s fridge? I got a kick out of this! And I will NOT reciprocate…mine is not nearly as organized. Honestly…this was fun! Debra

  6. This looks a little bit like my fridge… except for the Yuzu juice. I’ve been searching and searching for Yuzu anything with no luck. I might have to go online….

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